2020-06-11 11:48:26


大野智(Ohno Satoshi,1980年11月26日-)是日本的歌手、演员、艺人和艺术家,杰尼斯事务所所属男性偶像组合岚的队长,在岚中代表颜色为蓝色

2. 日刊スポーツ・ドラマグランプリ https://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/award/ns-dramagp/ns-dgp-result.html

3. TVnavi ドラマ・オブ・ザ・イヤー https://archive.fo/20120915080323/http://www.tvnaviweb.jp/TVnavi_contents/doYear/index.html

4. 24时间テレビ “爱は地球を救う”https://www.ntv.co.jp/24h/tshirt/

68 星光华尔兹(日语:星影のワルツ)(千昌夫) | 69 黎明的即兴曲(日语:夜明けのスキャット)(由纪沙织(日语:由紀さおり))

68 The Sound of Silence(Simon & Garfunkel) | 69 Those Were the Days(英语:Those Were the Days (song))(Mary Hopkin(英语:Mary Hopkin))

70 黑猫探戈(日语:黒ネコのタンゴ)(皆川理(日语:皆川おさむ)) | 71 我的城下町(日语:わたしの城下町)(小柳留美子) | 72・73 女人之路(日语:女のみち)(宫史郎与极品三重奏(日语:宮史郎とぴんからトリオ)) | 74 眼泪的节操(日语:なみだの操)(国王殿下(日语:殿さまキングス)) | 75 昭和枯芒(日语:昭和枯れすゝき)(樱与一郎(日语:さくらと一郎)) | 76 游吧!鲷鱼烧(日语:およげ!たいやきくん)(子门真人) | 77 海滨的辛巴达(Pink Lady) | 78 UFO(Pink Lady) | 79 追梦酒(日语:夢追い酒)(渥美二郎(日语:渥美二郎))

70 Venus(英语:Venus (Shocking Blue song))(Shocking Blue(英语:Shocking Blue)) | 71 I Dream of Naomi(英语:I Dream of Naomi)(Hedva & David(英语:Hedva and David)) | 72 Love Theme from "The Godfather"(英语:Love Theme from "The Godfather" (album))(Andy Williams) | 73・74 Yesterday Once More(Carpenters) | 75 Please Mr. Postman(英语:Please Mr. Postman)(Carpenters) | 76 Beautiful Sunday(英语:Beautiful Sunday (song))(Daniel Boone(日语:Daniel Boone (singer))) | 77 Sky High(英语:Sky High (song))(Jigsaw(英语:Jigsaw (band))) | 78 The Stranger(英语:The Stranger (album))(Billy Joel) | 79 I Was Made for Dancin'(英语:I Was Made for Dancin')(Leif Garrett(英语:Leif Garrett))

80 Dancing All Night(日语:ダンシング・オールナイト)(Monta & Brothers(日语:もんたよしのり)) | 81 红宝石戒指(寺尾聪) | 82 等着你(日语:待つわ)(Aming(日语:あみん)) | 83 山茶花之宿(日语:さざんかの宿)(大川荣策(日语:大川栄策)) | 84 如果明天…。(Warabe) | 85 为茱莉亚伤心(日语:ジュリアに傷心)(The Checkers) | 86 CHA-CHA-CHA(石井明美) | 87 给我生命吧(日语:命くれない)(濑川瑛子) | 88 银河天堂(光GENJI) | 89 Diamonds(PRINCESS PRINCESS)

80 I'm In the Mood for Dancing(英语:I'm In the Mood for Dancing)(The Nolans(英语:The Nolans)) | 81 Ai No Corrida(Quincy Jones) | 82 Casablanca(英语:哀愁のカサブランカ)(Bertie Higgins(英语:Bertie Higgins)) | 83 Flashdance... What a Feeling(英语:Flashdance... What a Feeling)(Irene Cara(英语:Irene Cara)) | 84 I Like Chopin(英语:I Like Chopin)(Gazebo(英语:Gazebo (musician))) | 85 We Are The World(USA for Africa(英语:USA for Africa)) | 86 Part-Time Lover(英语:Part-Time Lover)(Stevie Wonder) | 87 Stand by Me(Ben E. King) | 88 Toy Boy(英语:Toy Boy)(Sinitta(英语:Sinitta)) | 89 Ellie My Love(Ray Charles)

90 大家来跳舞(B.B.QUEENS) | 91 Oh! Yeah!/爱情故事突然发生(小田和正) | 92 只要有你在/我爱你(米米CLUB) | 93 YAH YAH YAH/梦之守护者(CHAGE&ASKA) | 94 innocent world(Mr.Children) | 95 LOVE LOVE LOVE/暴风雨来袭(DREAMS COME TRUE) | 96 无名的诗(Mr.Children) | 97 CAN YOU CELEBRATE?(安室奈美恵) | 98 诱惑(GLAY) | 99 丸子三兄弟(速水健太郎(日语:速水けんたろう),茂森亚由美(日语:茂森あゆみ),向日葵儿童,丸子合唱团(日语:おかあさんといっしょ))

90 If We Hold on Together(英语:If We Hold on Together)(Diana Ross) | 91 Welcome to the Edge(英语:Welcome to the Edge)(Billie Hughes) | 92 Last Christmas(Wham!) | 93 I Will Always Love You(Whitney Houston) | 94 A Hazy Shade of Winter(英语:A Hazy Shade of Winter)(Simon & Garfunkel) | 95 All I Want for Christmas Is You(Mariah Carey) | 96 To Love You More(Céline Dion with KRYZLER & KOMPANY(日语:クライズラー&カンパニー)) | 97 Candle in the Wind ~献给戴安娜王妃(英语:Candle in the Wind)(Elton John) | 98 Change the World(英语:Change the World)/Tears in Heaven(Eric Clapton) | 99 Eyes On Me featured in Final Fantasy VIII(王菲)

00 TSUNAMI(南方之星) | 01 Can You Keep A Secret?(宇多田光) | 02 H(滨崎步) | 03 世界上唯一的花(SMAP) | 04 轻闭双眼(平井坚) | 05 青春Amigo(修二与彰) | 06 Real Face(KAT-TUN) | 07 化为千风(秋川雅史) | 08 truth/前往风的彼方(岚) | 09 Believe/乌云散去,天气晴(岚/矢野健太 starring Satoshi Ohno)

00 Doesn't Really Matter(Janet Jackson) | 01 SOS(英语:SOS (ABBA song))/Chiquitita(英语:Chiquitita)(ABBA) | 02 Anthem - 2002 FIFA World Cup TM Official Anthem(Vangelis) | 03 The Ketchup Song(英语:The Ketchup Song (Aserejé))(Las Ketchup(英语:Las Ketchup)) | 04 モーメント/最初から今まで(日语:モーメント/最初から今まで)(Ryu(日语:Ryu (歌手))) | 05 A Whiter Shade of Pale(英语:A Whiter Shade of Pale)/A Question of Honour(英语:A Question of Honour (song))(Sarah Brightman) | 06 Dani California(英语:Dani California)(Red Hot Chili Peppers) | 07 Girlfriend(英语:Girlfriend (Avril Lavigne song))(Avril Lavigne) | 08 Caramelldansen(Caramell(英语:Caramell)) | 09 SAHARA〜feat. 稻叶浩志(Slash)

10 Beginner(AKB48) | 11 飞翔入手(AKB48) | 12 仲夏的Sounds good!(AKB48) | 13 再见自由式(AKB48) | 14 拉布拉多猎犬(AKB48) | 15 我们不战斗(AKB48) | 16 不需要翅膀(AKB48) | 17 空有愿望(AKB48) | 18 Teacher Teacher(AKB48) | 19 持续爱你(AKB48)

10 Never Say Never(英语:Never Say Never (Justin Bieber song))/Somebody to Love(英语:Somebody to Love (Justin Bieber song))(Justin Bieber) | 11 GO GO サマー!(日语:GO GO サマー!)(KARA) | 12 HEAT(金贤重) | 13 OCEAN(东方神起) | 14 Sweat/Answer(东方神起) | 15 Love Me Right 〜romantic universe〜(日语:Love Me Right 〜romantic universe〜)(EXO) | 16 Coming Over(日语:Coming Over)(EXO)
