2020-05-22 13:42:22


· DNA binding
· sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity
· signal transducer activity
· ligand-activated sequence-specific DNA binding RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity
· calcium ion binding
· protein binding
· transcription factor binding
· protein kinase binding
· CCR5 chemokine receptor binding
· glucocorticoid receptor binding
· sequence-specific DNA binding
· transcription regulatory region DNA binding

· nucleoplasm
· nucleolus
· cytoplasm
· cytosol

· temperature homeostasis
· eye photoreceptor cell differentiation
· regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent
· regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
· protein import into nucleus
· cellular component movement
· acute-phase response
· signal transduction
· JAK-STAT cascade
· nervous system development
· cell proliferation
· virus-host interaction
· cytokine-mediated signaling pathway
· stem cell maintenance
· sexual reproduction
· intracellular receptor signaling pathway
· response to estradiol stimulus
· cellular response to hormone stimulus
· regulation of multicellular organism growth
· response to drug
· glucose homeostasis
· eating behavior
· response to ethanol
· positive regulation of Notch signaling pathway
· positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent
· positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
· neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway
· astrocyte differentiation
· radial glial cell differentiation
· growth hormone receptor signaling pathway
· JAK-STAT cascade involved in growth hormone signaling pathway

信号转导及转录激活蛋白3(英语:Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3,STAT3)是一种由人类基因 编码的转录因子。




